IBS Walkthrough VIP Program

IBS Walkthrough VIP Program

IBS Walkthrough VIP Program

برنامج يساعدك خطوة خطوة للتخلص من أعراض القولون

IBS Walkthrough is a 4 months step by step program designed to help you reduce IBS symptoms, improve your energy levels & regulate your bowel habits.



1. 1 x initial consult (45 mins)

2. 4 x review consults (30 mins)

3. E-book and guides for each stage

4. Email support (4 months)

5. Private WhatsApp support (4 months)

6. Bonus 1 : IBS Flare up guides (value 300sr)

7. Bonus 2 : Supplements guide


Pay in full to receive a

VIP 30-Minutes Consultation Call with me (Value: 400sr]

Total value = 589.26 $

Pay 3 times : 196.42 every month

Get expert guidance and a personalized plan on this program so you no longer have to figure out everything on your own. I’m here for you!

IBS Walkthrough VIP Program

Payment plan for 3 months: 196.42 $ per month
